Monday, April 20, 2009

pink panther- the theme for bakerzin's 2009 dinner and dance

something interesting to have huh. image everyone in PINK.

never knew that such a big crowd of people can be so sporting, especially for such a ridiculous theme. haha most of them slogged their lives, working long hours each day and probably only have one day off and yet they took the effort to get their shocking pink clothes. I have to admit that I never knew that people can look so gorgeous in this colour till today. That includes the men also, of course. :))

I realise something today- things can be exceptionally well done/impressive when everyone put in their effort to make it possible. no man is an island. strength of a team is able to create miracles.

anw, today is the first of my semester 3.1. haha never been excited about a subj(calculus) before. I guess i'm still in love with Amaths. To think that i actually wanted to dig out my tys to some questions. LOL. hope this passion and urge will last so i can get a better to pull up my -.- GPA.

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